Birding in Lake Naivasha

Set at an elevated location in the great rift valley, Lake Naivasha unique nature taste  is drawn from the presence of underground water outflows that makes it the only freshwater lake on the floor of the valley. Lake Naivasha is therefore the only refuge for aquatic birds that cannot survive in the saline water of the lakes of the Gregory valley.  Additionally, the lake is one of the areas on the floor of great rift valley experience tectonic shift leading to formation of fascinating features amongst them alkaline lake oloiden an isolated soda lagoon to the south west of the lake and a heaven for birds of saline habitat.

The presence of rich flora mainly encompassing extensive savannah grasslands and dense acacia woodlands makes the Naivasha lakeside forest a mecca for semi aquatic birds species as well as birds adapted to savannah and woodlands vegetation.

Waterbirds in Naivasha

Naivasha is a bird mecca for truly aquatic, semi-aquatic and migratory waterbirds all featured in equal measures. Waterbirds in Naivasha will mostly stay along the shallow shores since most of them feed on crustaceans, worms and insects. Other like waterfowls and duck species depend on the lake to maintain their plumage and can be spotted ducking in the water throughout the day. Lesser flamingo the most popular migratory waterbirds are common at Lake Oloiden the small salty water lake on the south western part edge of the lake. This is Kenya’s most common flamingo species whose diet is bue algae that thrives in saline environment. Small numbers of greater flamingos, the other flamingo species found in Kenya, can be spotted on the shore of the lake looking for crustaceans and insect which are their main diets.

Naivasha waterbird checklist:

Native species

African Jacana, long toed lapwing, black smith lapwing, Wattled Plover, grey crowned crane, helmeted guinea fowl, hadada ibis, African sacred ibis and African spoonbill.

Migratory species

Spur winged lapwing, flamingo( from other great rift valley lakes), white headed duck, Eurasian spoonbill, tufted duck and grey heron and Eurasian moorhen.

Forest and grassland birds in Naivasha

The adjacent wilderness play host to numerous local and migratory land bird varieties. Most migrant birds come to Naivasha from Europe during winter. Savannah birds in Naivasha adopted different interesting behaviors you will be noting down during your ornithological foray. Some like ringed neck dove assume a secretively lifestyle and prefer nestling in isolated trees. Weaver species prefer staying in colonies dorminated their kind. The 3 swift species are likely to nestle in weavers colonies.

Naivasha forest and savannah birds checklist

Native species

Common swift, Nyanza swift, common quail, coqui francolin, lesser masked weavers, white winged window bird, red headed weavers, common wax bill, yellow throated longclaw

Migratory birds

Stock doves, common redstart, pied wheatear, northern wheatear and Namaqua dove.

Naivasha raptors (birds of prey)

These feed through scavenging or preying on small animals like frogs, snakes and squirrels. Most of them don’t have a preferred habitat and their presence is mostly determined by availability of their diet. In Naivasha the most common raptors are eagle and vultures species which include: Verreaux’s eagle owl, long crested eagles, black winged kite, Secretary bird, European honey bazzard( migratory) and Eurasian marsh harrier( migratory). Importantly, Naivasha host one of Kenya most popular raptor rehabilitation centre.

How to experience birding in Naivasha

Naivasha is one of Kenya’s prime birding destination where you can have unrestricted experience without the many park rules that makes. To start most lodges in Naivasha are set in Key ornithological sites along the shoreline of the lake. For better experience we recommend that you go for a nature trail / horse riding in the crescent island, sanctuary farm or the crater lake game sanctuary.

The epitome of your birding safari will however be a boat ride excursion offering sweeping view of lake surface swarm over by in the duck and waterfowl. A close focus on the shoreline will lead to sights of egrets and heron species foraying in the flourishing riparian banks.

If you still have a couple of days in Lake Naivasha consider joining a hiking trail in Ol donyo eburru mountains on the North western edge of the lake. Here you will have an opportunity to encounter birds that prefers staying in broadleaved forest.

Other birding destinations you can visit while in Lake Naivasha include: Lake Nakuru( 1.5 hrs drive away) which is a major flamingo hotspot and hells gate which play host to several vultures species.

Best time for birding in Lake Naivasha

With most of the bird species being endemic to the lake and its environs, lake Naivasha is an excellent birding destination all year round. However there are more interesting bird scenes during the wintering period (April and November) when over 2 billion Eurasian birds migrate to various habitats in sub saharan Africa. The breeding season over the long rains(April ) and short rains( November ) is also a good birding period where sights of nesting are common in the shorelines of the lake.


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