Migration Horse Riding in Serengeti

Serengeti in Tanzania is the world oldest game park and one of the most popular wildlife sanctuaries
in Africa. The park is well known for hosting the Serengeti migration which is one of the world’s most
sought after overland migration where over 1.2 million wildebeest and about 200, 000 zebras move
round a 300 miles loop in the foray for fresh grazing pasture. Most tourists experience this
phenomena through safari drives which are the dominant activities in Africa safari. But nothing would
be more exciting than watching this whole event in the saddle. Serengeti horse safaris are designed to
give a profound experience of the whole event with special focus on the details you might not get
when mounted on a safari vehicle.However, unlike in Masai Mara where horse riding are conducted
in several conservancies in greater Mara, Serengeti horse rides are only in the southern Ndutu region
and in Grumeti reserve on the western corridor. In this guide we shall discuss horse riding in the two

Horse safari in the Southeastern Serengeti

Ndutu plains are the most widely sought after horse riding destination in Serengeti. The rides here are
coordinated by riding operators who partner with the camps in the region to offer some exciting
migration safaris where riders gallops with the Serengeti herds off the beaten paths. Here you will be
accommodated in a fly camp that changes position every day presenting a completely new
experience. To participate in the escapade you need to at least be an intermediate rider. Kaskaz
safaris is the main horse safari operator in the region.

When to go for a riding safari in south Eastern Serengeti

Riding in south eastern serengeti is seasonal considering that most of the camps shutdown or move
after the migration season. January to April is the best time to go for your migration safari in this
region. Over this season the serengeti herds are in the calving season and riders will have great
opportunity to encounter the herds in their most vulnerable stage. Sights of predators like spotted
hyenas and lions snatching away newborns are some of the scenes you are guaranteed to come

Horse safari in the grumeti game reserve

Forming what is popularly known as the western corridor, grumeti has one of the most spectacular
views of the migration. Due to its distance from the central serengeti region, very few visitors are able
to reach this destination. The 350000 acres conservancy has a horse riding stable near the Faru Faru
lodge offering possibly the best camp based riding in Tanzania. Being a private conservancy, the riding

is less restricted and you can tailor make your experience to meet your desires. Riders can take a
completely private ride whereby you and your partner/ party are allocated a personal riding guide.
Rides can either be camp based where you return to your camp after the ride or you can go for a
mobile camping ride where you and the horse spend one night in a different site within the
conservancy for a completely new daily experience. When compared to the southern region, grumeti
riding safari is more ideal for riders with family. The accommodation facilities here are permanent and
luxurious offering the best home style stay but without losing the wild camping concept. There are
also more activities for non riding partners special children activities.

When to go for Grumeti horse safari

Unlike the southern region where ridings are seasonal, Grumeti horse ridings are conducted all year
round. After the migration seasons, riders will still enjoy the view of resident wildlife as the region has
an impressive density of animals like elephants, african buffaloes, giraffes, spotted hyena and lions.
Camps in the region operate all seasons.
However, the culmination of riding in the grumeti reserve is between May and July when the
Serengeti herds are passing on their way to Mara. During this season there is an influx of wildlife
spread out in the open Savannah. Riders has the best opportunity to witness the hunting chase as the
big cat are very active trying to make a kill. This is also the best time to go for a fly camping riding
safari where you gallop with the herds your last position is near the grumeti river where a dramatic
river crossing event take place. Like the Mara river, Grumeti river is a dwelling for some of the largest
crocodiles that keeps on stalking the crossing herds.


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